Changing it Up

When I started in radio over 11 years ago, I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I used to tell people that radio and entertainment are unlike any other job. It’s not just about the hours or the commitment to fans; it’s unique because you get judged daily on what you do. And it’s not just your boss providing feedback—an entire community weighs in.

With all that said, most of you know that my time on the radio has come to an end for now. In August of this year, I was let go from the station I grew up on, and I was pretty torn up about it. But, as I’ve been taught my entire life, you figure out what’s next. This show was the answer! The Ryan Logan Show now allows me to be home more, spend more time with my kids, and create the type of content I want to share on a weekly basis.

As for my aforementioned exit from on-air radio, I am working on getting back behind a mic in a studio. You, the fans, will be the first to know when that happens! For now, and for the foreseeable future, I’m focusing all my energy on this show and the website, aiming to deliver some of the best content out there. I understand the uphill battle in the podcasting and YouTube world, but at my previous gig, I helped grow that show to numbers the station had never seen before. I’m confident I can bring that same energy and success to this new chapter.

So again, thank you for being a supportive fan of The Ryan Logan Show. Don’t forget to follow us on all social platforms and subscribe to the podcast wherever you can.

Check back on the website for more blog posts weekly!


The Debate: Home Alone Vs. HA 2